Story, Mission, Vision

GEOmedia is the reference Italian magazine for advanced technologies in the field of geographic information, land and satellite navigation systems for the new smart geography and information technology.

GEOmedia is the first Italian magazine on geomatics, the applied science that brings together all the disciplines related to the measurement and representation of the territory, both cartographic and thematic, with specific reference to the systems for positioning providing access to geo-localized information. Published bi-monthly in Italy since 1996, has the main objective in the dissemination at the reasonable level of information produced by scientific and academic research for the specific applications in the fields of the environment, territory and culture. The English version is actually a special issue.

Readers' profile

Operators of geo-topo-mapping field: surveyors, geologists, architects, engineers, agronomists, surveyors and operators of GIS and remote sensing industry.

Public and private companies, technical departments of the Central and Local Government. Research, Academy and training operators.

Students, high school and college, attending courses on the subjects of interest of the journal.

Distribution and dissemination
is distributed to subscribers and to a list of operators of the selected field in function of the editorial theme. It is also disseminated at major events, conferences and trade fairs, such as the User Conferences of Producers, Industry Conferences in Italy, but also in international specialized events.


Info for Authors

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.


Monthly Uniques Vistors

Monthly Unique Visitors is a common way of measuring the popularity of a website and is often quoted to potential advertisers or investors. A website's unique users are usually measured over a standard period of time, typically a month.


Social Media Followers

Social media follower are the sum of Twitter follower ( and Facebook likes (


Traditional Readers

Paper distribution surface mailed to all subscribers and to a target user group mainly to institutional public administration opinion and decision maker.



Vyron Antoniou
Vyron Antoniou Hellenic Military Geographical Service, Greece
Renzo Carlucci
Renzo CarlucciChief Editor
Michele Dussi
Michele DussiAmici della Terra, Italia
Beniamino Murgante
Beniamino MurganteUniversità della Basilicata, Italia
Attilio Selvini
Attilio SelviniPolitecnico di Milano, Italia
Fabrizio Bernardini
Fabrizio BernardiniBIS Italia
Luigi Colombo
Luigi ColomboUniversità di Bergamo, Italia
Michele Fasolo
Michele FasoloArcheomatica
Donato Tufillaro
Donato TufillaroSogei, Italia
Mario Caporale
Mario CaporaleASI Galileo Division, Italia
Mattia Crespi
Mattia CrespiLa Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia
Marco Lisi
Marco LisiESA, The Netherlands
Mauro Salvemini
Mauro SalveminiLa Sapienza Università di Roma, Italia
Roberto Capua
Roberto CapuaSogei - chairman RTCM SC-134 “Integrity for GNSS-based High Accuracy Applications”
Luigi Di Prinzio
Luigi Di PrinzioIUAV, Italia
Flavio Lupia
Flavio LupiaCREA, Italia
Aldo Riggio
Aldo RiggioItalia Nostra


Fulvio Bernardini
Fulvio BernardiniDirettore Responsabile
Daniele Carlucci
Daniele CarlucciArt director
Gianluca Pititto
Gianluca PitittoRedattore
Valerio Carlucci
Valerio CarlucciRedattore

GEOmedia has started an internationalization process producing issues completely in English, at least once a year, which are distributed in international fairs. All issues have abstracts in English and metric references for the inclusion of the publication in the major international databases.